Nano Silica Additive for Enhancing Concrete
Nano Silica Additive for Enhancing Concrete Properties
Nano silica is a cutting-edge additive designed for specific concrete applications, based on nanotechnology. Its use has gained popularity in advanced countries due to improved mechanical properties and increased concrete durability. Nano silica, with its non-crystalline nature and extremely fine particles, is suitable for use as a cementitious substance in concrete.
Applications of Nano Silica:
Concreting in sea coasts, docks, and bridges
Construction of high-resistance concretes
Construction of concretes for docks, channels, tunnels, water reservoirs, and sources
Flooring and landscaping
Construction concretes exposed to corrosion
Benefits of Nano Silica:
Strengthens concrete: With the addition of nano silica to the concrete mix, active SiO2 combines with free calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 in the concrete capillary pores, producing insoluble calcium silicate crystals and condensing the cement paste structure. This results in increased pressure, flexibility, and tensile resistance of concrete.
Improves concrete durability: Nano silica decreases permeability and increases concrete resistance against erosion, chlorine and sulfate ions, and other destructive chemical materials.
Enhances setting time: Nano silica helps decrease setting time and water permeability, improving resistance against chemical attacks.
Consumption and Usage:
The exact amount of nano silica consumption is determined by workshop tests, with a recommended addition of 3% to 7% of cement to concrete weight.
Nano silica should be combined with dried components and then mixed with water and super plasticizers.
Since nano silica can reduce water, it should be used with Dezo super plasticizers to prevent concrete fracturing and maintain efficacy.
Experiments have shown that adding nano silica to concrete increases pressure resistance, tensile strength, and flexibility while decreasing setting time and water permeability. Its environmental benefits and superior results compared to micro silica make nano silica a promising addition to concrete construction.